Day of Dyslexia, Amsterdam

On 5th of October the second edition of the Dutch Day of Dyslexia took place in Amsterdam. We proudly joined and presented our Kobi app & a very special VR game.

The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund – Naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj – Vavčer za udeležbe na mednarodnih forumih


This dyslexia awareness day brought together national and international speakers that took the stage to present the latest developments and thinking around neurodiversity and dyslexia.

Explaining the basics before trying Kobi.

With workshops, break-out sessions & amazing lineup of speakers this year was all about shifting the perspective on dyslexia from “problem” to “opportunity”.

About Kobi

Kobi was first launched in March in Slovenia and has showed incredible numbers. More than 94% of the uses claim, the app helps increase the child’s motivation, reading speed and understanding almost instantly. 

Kobi ❤️ Dutch books.

The launch on the Dutch market was marked with a special VR game, called KOBI 360. The world’s first VR game based on dyslexia is meant as a tool to raise awareness about reading difficulties.

“With the VR game we wanted to show how tough everyday life can be for a dyslexic child, but in an entertaining way,”  said Ursula Lavrenčič, the project leader. “The game uses the same concept as the mobile app, using color in order to distinguish between letters.”

Do you want KOBI 360 for your upcoming dyslexia or children’s literature event?

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