Good news, fellow readers!
We have been working hard this past month to bring you a completely new feature. STATISTICS! You can now follow your kid’s daily, weekly and all-time progress. This will give your child and you complete insight into the learning development over time. Success is the best motivator!
Back in January, we have been asking you to give your thoughts about what the next feature in Kobi should be. The statistics screen to follow learning progress won that survey by a landslide.
We have put our heads together, found reading experts who know things about numbers and made a plan. Our programmers created systems for measuring reading sessions, our designers added animations and made the statistics screen look awesome and our marketeers drank some coffee.
So update the app and start reading 🙂
IMPORTANT: For stats to work correctly, you have to use the bookmark feature. At the end of each session while still in the book, click on the menu icon (hamburger icon), click on the “ADD BOOKMARK” on the right and place it where your child has left off. You can also access the screen by pressing the new numbers bar on the child’s desktop with his books.
We are already working on future releases. Stay tuned for more updates 🙂
Your Kobi