Meet Your Reading Buddy: The Chatty Fox

The Fox walks around the forest with a big smirky smile on its face, seeking exciting things to do. Meet The Fox in the Kobi App!

Smart, energetic, and charming are the first three words that come to mind when meeting The Fox. The Fox walks around the forest with a big smirky smile on its face, waving its tail, looking for adventures, seeking exciting things to do.

The Fox may not always be prepared for the events around the corner, but it can always wiggle itself out of any unpredictable situation. Fox’s big mouth can sometimes get it in trouble, but hey, that’s all part of growing up, isn’t it?

Its cunning street-smarts allow it to climb any mountain, face every obstacle, achieve every goal. Just like it can face any reading issue, tackle every letter reversal, or correct any blending problem.

Meet The Fox in the Kobi app!


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