TURBO technique for learning the letters

Automatisation of the connection between grapheme and phoneme is essentail for reading. In this blog we will present you a very effective technique for learning the alphabet.

The first stage of learning to read is of course to develop a sense of voice. In a previous blog – 7 Games For In The Car / we have descirbed a few activities that help lay the groundwork for literacy in a fun way.

The second phase of learning to read is recognizing the letters.

Children start to learn the letters as early as preschool, and in this period it’s time for play and attentive listening. With a multi-sensory approach, we can introduce and gradually strengthen the understanding of these basic building blocks of our written word through the child’s fingers. You can find a really easy and literally sweet way in the video below.

But it happens many times – especially with children with dyslexia – that in the second grade they still don’t master the recognition of characters. And that is when the child is already expected to begin with training the reading. And so a smaller setback can start to get bigger and bigger like a snowball rolling down a hill.

Therefore, it is extremely important that we closely monitor the learning of the alphabet and make sure it is truly automated.

Prevent deficits from accumulating

The letter is the basic building block of writing. Without entrenched and automated knowledge of letters, reading just can’t get through. And what to do when time is running out and the voices and letters need to be quickly adopted and consolidated? Fortunately, there is a straight turbo mode – a sequential learning technique.

It works in such a way that a child intensely repeats small amounts of information, thus not exceeding short-term memory. We are gradually adding letter by letter and repeating the previous letters, which provides additional exercise and transfer of information to long-term memory.

The method is very simple and fun ? Stopwatch and go!


Click on each letter below to download the sheet.


Tell your child the name of the letter. Letters are pronounced briefly, with emphasis on the letter, ie “p”, not “pǝǝǝ” and not “pe”. The dotted on the sheet should be traced with a pencil several times while pronouncing its name.


The child reads a series of thirty letters. If he makes a mistake, he needs to start again. Keep track of how many letters he or she can read without a mistake. We do this repeatedly until he or she can read the entire line without errors.

GOAL: I can read the entire line of letters slowly and correctly.


Now we also record the time it takes to read the entire line. When the child correctly reads the entire line in 15 seconds, we proceed to the next sheet – the next letter.

GOAL: I read letters quickly and effortlessly.

If the alphabet is partially adopted, you will flash across some of the sheets and will be stuck in some letters. You can train those letters that cause more problems individually in one of multi-sensory ways, many ideas can be found here.

Exercise for 5 to 10 minutes each day, and as always – it’s much better for the brain for 10 minutes every day than twice a week for two hours ?

Good luck!

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