How to redeem your code
If you have a code for an extended free trial, please follow these steps to redeem it.
Step by step
- 1 Open Google Play application.
- 2 Open the Settings Panel in Google Play app.
- 3 Choose “Redeem”.
- 4 Enter the code.
- 5 Continue to the KOBI page in Google Play store and install the app.
- 6 Choose your language and continue until you see a demo book.
- 7 In the demo book click the top red bar to expand the purchase options panel.
- 8 Select monthly subscription.
9 Confirm subscription.
Make sure that the description “You won’t be charged before …” states the date 1 month from today. If you cancel before this date, you will not be charged anything.
More information about how to manage subscriptions: Google Support.
Instruction videos
how to use the kobification menu
KOBIFICATION instantly improves reading rate and accuracy. Success motivates kids to read more & more and this leads to reading fluency and a better comprehension.
How to use the Focus Frame
Focus Frame keeps distractions hidden and helps your child stay focused and stress-free.
How to choose the letter type
Reading is easier with Kobi. Watch the video & learn how to choose the font that suits your child.
How to define the background color
Background colors provide a quick burst of motivation for a child, as the reading gets easier in an instant. Watch the video & learn how to choose the background that suits your child.