Dyslexia-friendly Reading Challenge

Timeless family moments created through reading.


Beginning Readers – Dyslexia Friendly

Enter the Reading Challenge!

9 days worth of family moments.

For kids who just started learning to read.

Kobi Reading Challenge is a reading activity, encouraging your kid to read with their dad for 9 straight days.

Along with building a solid reading foundation, the challenge aims to craft pristine family moments that are only obtainable through reading with a parent.

How it works:

Join or nominate someone for the challenge today. They will be notified when the challenge begins.

  1. We will provide instructions & the content your kid needs to read.
  2. Rules of the challenge:
    – The kid has to read aloud with their dad.
    – Dad can help with reading.
    – Have fun!

Share with whoever wants to create special family moments!

Our Story

We are on a mission to design better literacy solutions for home learning. Being parents ourselves, we want reading to be enjoyable and fun, especially for kids with dyslexia!
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Organisational Member
Supported by Google
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