KOBI™ Helps Children Read
Support & FAQ
What is KOBI?
Kobi is an eReader for kids who are learning to read. It is carefully crafted for children who experience learning difficulties like dyslexia, ADHD, and others. Kobi allows you to scan or import any book, adjust the text according to their needs, and follow the reading progress.
Can I try it for free?
Yes, you can! Kobi comes with free weekly reading minutes, giving you the option to explore the app and see for yourself if it is something that might benefit your child! You can opt for a subscription of your choice to unlock all features and start the learning.
Can I use it with more than one kid?
Of course you can! Kobi has the option to create multiple profiles for each and every little superhero of yours!
Can I use KOBI in the classroom?
KOBI supports teachers too! You can add as many students to your KOBI account and quickly prepare what he/she needs to read. Ask your school to start using KOBI!
Will KOBI work on my Phone?
Yes, and an easy way to let your child try out the method. Keep in mind that KOBI has been designed for maximum readability on tablets. KOBI is available for Android and iOS devices.
What languages are supported?
KOBI is available in English, Spanish, Slovene, and Dutch. That means language-specific Kobification™ rules, books and interface.
How do I add books?
Basically you can add any book to KOBI. Snap a photo of a piece of text and you’re ready to start reading. Import directly DRM free EPUB, PDF and txt files from your favourite cloud service. Or get your free books from our expanding KOBI Library!
Does KOBI provide coloured backgrounds?
We received a lot of requests for this and added the choice of background colour. That way children can further boost KOBI’s level of readability to their own liking.
Will it work on Chromebooks?
While you can install and use Android apps on Chromebooks, some functions may work differently than on Android devices. Update your Chrome OS to the latest version and enabling the Google Play store on your device to give it a try.
How do I cancel my subscription?
Cancelling is easy! Depending on your device (iOS or Android), go to the respective app store, find your Kobi subscription and cancel it. If you have any problems, feel free to contact us on support@kobiapp.io ANYTIME!